Two Injured in 5 Vehicle Oregon Truck Crash

The driver of a semi that set in motion a five-vehicle Oregon truck crash was cited at the scene of the accident, according to the Portland Tribune and other media reports.

The pile-up took place Tuesday morning in the eastbound lane of Highway 224. It began when a semi encountered slow-moving traffic but failed to slow down promptly. According to the Tribune, quoting police officials, the semi rear-ended a car in front of it, setting off a chain reaction as that car was, in turn, pushed into the next vehicle in line, and so on.

The 17-year old Milwaukie girl driving the first car – the one actually struck by the truck as it triggered the Portland car and truck accident – had to be cut out of the wreckage of her car by medics and fire personnel, the newspaper reports. She was taken to an area hospital with injuries described as “serious, but not life-threatening.” A passenger in one of the other vehicles involved in the Oregon truck accident was also treated for minor injuries.

According to the Tribune, the Oregon State Police are still investigating the accident, but they did issue a citation to the truck’s driver at the scene.

Truck crashes pose a special danger to other Oregon motorists because semis are so much larger than most other vehicles on the road. This, in turn, makes it especially important that commercial drivers use caution on our highways. When that turns out not to be the case it is important that victims of Oregon truck crashes speak promptly with a Portland truck crash attorney for advice and assistance in obtaining justice. This is especially true for the victims of accidents, such as this one, in which someone is injured.

Portland Tribune: Truck driver faulted in five-vehicle crash Girl hurt when semi slams into slowing traffic

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